LIFE Kayleigh LIFE Kayleigh

2024: The Next Chapter

2024 is here, and it truly feels like the beginning of a new chapter in my great big book of life. Life for me lately has been all about the hustle and bustle. This year, I will prioritize living with intention, taking time to rest, and surrounding myself with people and things that bring me joy. In this post, I share how I plan to focus on these priorities this year.

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Winter Weekend Getaway: Mystic to Newport

For our one-year anniversary, Isaac and I decided to take a trip from Mystic, CT to Newport, RI. It was one of the coldest weekends of the year, and it was freezing, but we had so much fun and we can't wait to do it again. I'll show you all the cool spots we hit up for food, shopping, and even a bit of improv!

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LIFE Kayleigh LIFE Kayleigh

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog!!! I cannot believe I’m finally saying that. I’ve wanted to start blogging for years now but honestly have been too afraid. I’ve been inspired by some friends who have their own blogs (old + new) and after compiling lists and lists of content over the years, I decided it was time to take the plunge myself.

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