Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog!!! I cannot believe I’m finally saying that. I’ve wanted to start blogging for years now but honestly have been too afraid. I’ve been inspired by some friends who have their own blogs (old + new) and after compiling lists and lists of content over the years, I decided it was time to take the plunge myself.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am obsessed with home organization. For a long while, I thought that if I was going to be making a blog that it would be solely based on organizing and planning. While it will still be a big part of this blog, I’ve decided that I wanted to share more about my personal life, traveling, gift guides, product testing, and a handful of other things as well. I really want this to be a space where I candidly share about navigating my 20s, living on my own, exploring my career, traveling, and sharing what I learn, and some hacks and advice along the way.

The past two years have been incredibly life-changing and have prepared me to take the leap of faith in starting this blog. I’ve had career adjustments, significant relationship changes, and honestly have been working so hard to get to know myself, who I am, and what I want in life. This blog is a major step in putting myself first and not only exploring my interests but sharing them with you.

I am so excited that you’re here, and I can’t wait to start this journey.


Winter Weekend Getaway: Mystic to Newport